Unique $10,000 Early Stage Angel/VC Investment Opportunity

Dear Investor,
Please refer to our pitch for USD 3 Million for Phase 2 funding of PAYBOOKCLUB we posted on GUST.COM

In a busy world we all have to live in, it is easy to miss a key fact and lose a big opportunity.

Like the fact that you can invest as low as USD 10,000 in PAYBOOKCLUB through SAFE (Simple Agreement For Future Equity) without having to wait for the $ 3 Million round to complete.

Or the fact that PAYBOOKCLUB being a global enterprise built on Mobile phones without brick and mortar, your location or country should not distract you from investing in a potential Unicorn.

The entire FACEBOOK team at the RISE Summit in Hong Kong came to check out Paybookclub

As a potential challenger, PAYBOOKCLUB has already caught the attention of FACEBOOK and APPLE teams, raising the prospect of early exit through acquisition and hence faster return of your capital.

Here is video of Paybookclub Investment Opportunity.

Even if you have already assessed, you may want to review our pitch which has attracted many industry experts.

and PAYBOOKCLUB INVESTORS DECK for more information.
Please download a copy of PAYBOOKCLUB DRAFT SAFE

Please call or text +44 7721170136 to have a chat with our accountants who can explain how you can invest through SAFE right away to secure a stake in a potential Unicorn.

Shred Pillai
CEO, Paybookclub

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